Where does Steve get his inspiration from?
Established academic historians hesitate to predict the future based on the past. It is something they call “counter-factual” history, as in Fake News. The Historian/Economist Neil Howe, together with William Strauss, a man of unclear academic background, has written a book with the rather longish title ” An American Prophecy, The Fourth Turning – What the Cycles of History Tell us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny“. According to numerous social media comments this book is where Steve Bannon has found his inspiration in Life.
For those that haven’t heard of Steve Bannon I’ll include some biographical information from Wikipedia:
“Bannon was an officer in the United States Navy for seven years in the late 1970s and early 1980s. After his military service, he worked at Goldman Sachs as an investment banker, and left as vice president. In 1993, he became acting director of the research project Biosphere 2. In the 1990s, he became an executive producer in Hollywood, and produced 18 films between 1991 and 2016. In 2007, he co-founded Breitbart News, a far-right website which he described in 2016 as “the platform for the alt-right”.
In August 2016, Bannon was named the chief executive officer of Trump’s 2016 presidential bid. Following Trump’s victory, Bannon was appointed Chief Strategist in the Trump administration. He left this position on August 18, 2017 and rejoined Breitbart. In January 2018, Bannon was disavowed by Trump for critical comments reported in the book Fire and Fury, and left Breitbart.”
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Bannon
“After leaving the Navy, Bannon earned a master’s degree in national security studies at Georgetown University and then went on to Harvard Business School before landing an investment banking job at Goldman Sachs’ New York offices.”
source: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/politics/a8288455/who-is-steve-bannon-trump-chief-strategist/

Steve likes to portray himself as a just another White Trash supporter of President Trump. That is not the case. Steve is intelligent, resourceful and calculating. Everything he says and does is directed towards fulfilling the goals found in his favorite book, The Fourth Turning.

What exactly do the 380 pages of this book deal with?
The authors maintain that there is a crisis or “turning” in American history about every 20 or so years. These turnings come in packages of four, over a period of 70 to 110 years.
The 4th Turning is seen as a regular cyclic event, an era of secular upheaval, when the values that have dominated the cycle of the 4 turnings is overthrown and new values arise to herald the arrival of the 1st turning of the new cycle of events.
The authors disagree with the concept of Linear Time, and instead see history evolving in cycles of events structured around generational differences with a pinch of the psychologist CJ Jung’s archetypes thrown in for good measure.
The best short version of Jung’s archetypes could be this one:
“Jung rejected the tabula rasa theory of human psychological development, believing instead that evolutionary pressures have individual predestinations manifested in archetypes. Jung first used the term primordial images to refer to what he would later term “archetypes”. Jung’s idea of archetypes was based on Immanuel Kant’s categories, Plato’s Ideas, and Arthur Schopenhauer’s prototypes. For Jung, “the archetype is the introspectively recognizable form of a prioripsychic orderedness”.“
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jungian_archetypes
In order to maintain some semblance of readability here I am not going to dive too deeply into how their cycles are structured. Suffice to say that the authors have created a matrix built around their Theoretical Construction and then sought to Place Anglo-American history, from the 15th Century to today, inside their matrix. Having done so they Point towards patterns that they claim are easy to see. In short, we are expecting to see the United States either destroyed or victorious within the next 10-20 years.
Traditional academic historians would never go looking for facts to place in a pre-conceived matrix. Historians examine factual material and try to use the facts to explain the historical context. Their book would never pass inspection in any University history department that I know of.
Destruction of Biblical size awaits us, they say.
When we add to this equation the 2nd coming of Jesus, awaited by Evangelicial Christians in the US, we have a formula for mass destruction (war) far beyond anything we could imagine. Trump’s newly launched so-called Peace Proposal for the Middle East is just another step towards greater conflict between Jews and Arabs in the region. Trump is doing what is required for the 4th Turning to become reality.
The salvation of the United States is aligned with the 2nd coming of Jesus. The road to American greatness lies through Cultural Conflict, both inside America and with others outside of America. Christianity and the USA are to stand up against all others (read Islam and non-Whites everywhere).
The KKK and other White extremists in the USA are supportive of this concept. Christian evangelists see Trump as sent by God to make the 2nd coming of Jesus a reality, so it doesn’t matter what Trump says or does that they otherwise would agree to call disgusting, he is their man!